Price Match Request

Price Matching Guarantee

We will match the advertised price of any retail printer in Canada!
In order for price matching to apply:

  • - The product price must be 50$ or more.
  • - The product needs to be exactly the same as what we are offering.
  • - Size, paper type and any coatings must be an exact match.
  • - We will need a link to the quote from the competitor. 
  • - Turn around times must be be displayed in the quote.  
  • - Shipping and all other charges must be included and shown in the quote.

Please fill in the request form below and we will process your request.

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Company (optional):
* Your Telephone:
* Your Email:
* Competitor Price to Match:
* Competitor Turnaround time:
*Link to Competitor Quote: Additional Notes:

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